If ever there will be a time when women will come together purely and simply for the benefit of mankind, it will be a power such as the world has never known. ( Matthew Arnold )
I can see as clear as daylight that the hour is coming when woman will lead humanity to a higher evolution. ( Hazrat Inayat Khan )
The world will be safed by western woman. ( Der Dalai Lama )
Nothing is of more importance than woman's rescue of herself.
( Anne Baring )
Discovering the unique gift to bring to your community is your greatest opportunity and challenge. The offering of that gift - your true self - is the most you can do to love and serve the world.... and it is all the world needs.
( Bill Plotkin )
Connect the dots ...
Ich biete wieder - in eingeschränktem Umfang - Einzeltermine mit IoPT- Aufstellungen an.
IoPT (Identitätsorientierte Psychotraumatherapie, Aufstellung des Anliegens)
Doris Braun-Heberle
Dipl. Sozialwirtin
und Traumaarbeit
yoga ma
Schockenriedstraße 4
70563 Stuttgart-Vaihing,en
Termine nach Vereinbarung